Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday March 6th

Hello to everyone. Long day today so update may seem a bit short. We made every visit of course. Clay had an excellent nurse today. Clay is alert and moving a great deal. The physical therapist told us that she may let him try to sit on the edge of the bed tomorrow or possibly stand up. This is a bit hard for me to believe but we will see what tomorrow holds. Clay was having a pretty good day today. The only issue that he had was with his catheter. Each time he had to urinate he would start to cry and try his best to reach down and pull it out or push it to one side. This went on all day. We called in the nurse who thought it was a donor site that was uncovered near his groin. We helped him cover it and thought we had the problem solved, but next visit the crying started again. The nurse called in the doctor who said that the catheter had to stay in place and ordered a numbing agent for the night. Mom and I did not like to leave the last visit without knowing if they had solved the problem. Hopefully they have. We voted for a diaper and removal of the catheter but we were overruled by the doctor of course. It is really hard to watch your child in pain and not be able to help him. Many visitors today and all were welcomed. Two of the most important to arrive were Carson and Cody Fite it felt like we had not seen them in a month. We are still uncertain about the left hand and they are planning surgery in that area for next week. Please continue to pray that Clay might be able to keep those precious fingers. Thanks to all, and to all a good night.


  1. Thanks for another update. My mom, Linda Block (in Alaska), asked me to convey her care to you the next time I left a comment. She checks the blog regularly. I remember her sharing stories from her time in a burn unit during nursing school. Sure hope the catheter problem is soon remedied. Y'all keep hanging in there. Love, Susie

  2. Trust me when I say, I am praying so hard for his sweet left hand. When our daughter was burnt and had her catheter problems we felt the same way about the diaper. However once we had the diaper we knew why they didn't want to use it. Unfortunately I don't know if there is a good solution. I am praying for sweet Clay! I have also been praying for you both as I know how hard it is to see your child in pain and not be able to do anything about it! There were days I just had to go somewhere and cry and pray and cry and scream. I don't know you personally but my heart is breaking for you all. Please let Cody and Carson know that they have lots of prayers going up for them too. This must be so hard on them as well. I know you are tired of all of this, but I PROMISE it will pass. Someday soon you will start to feel like there is a future beyond this accident. Know we are praying for you!! In Him, Missy Wood (Mexico)

  3. I'm glad to hear he is improving so fast. I'm sure it doesn't feel like to you, but we are hoping for some big improvements during the next week. We are of course hoping and praying for every part of Clay including those fingers. Thank you for the update. Love, Marcus Shanda C&C

  4. Glad to hear the possibility of sitting him up and helping him stand. Such progress! Maybe the catheter will soon be removed as he is able to be up and around more. We are glad Cody & Carson were able to be there. Not having their brother near them has got to be hard. Every day is just one step nearer to the time you will have him home. Much prayer and love is sent your way, Dawn & Pam

  5. Thinking About Ya'll Often
    Philippians 4:6-7
    Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    You and your spouse,Clay and his whole being, Carson and Cody are all lifted in prayer for health and healing and continued faith in our Lord.
    Jeanne' and Gary Snyder

  6. Much love and prayers coming from Fritch. You are in our thoughts continually. We love you and hope to see you soon.
    Chuck, Lori, Dalin and Mason

    P.S. Mason said to tell Clay that as soon as he is well....he will meet him at the beach for some surf fishing again!

  7. I wish that I could go give blood again today in preparation for next week's surgery. I am so sorry that I have to wait 56 days to be a proper donor again. I didn't get a chance to read the blog updates Thursday or Friday. Clay's progress is truly awesome. I am sure each step cannot come soon enough for all of you who are there every day and have to endure watching him hurt, but know that you are not forgotten. I have never met any of you, and I say a prayer for you each day. We are all bound in our love and faith.

  8. Hi all, Just wanted to let u know that I gave blood today for Clay..and so did a few others with the SouthTexas Blood and Tissue Center. So great to see the progress Clay has made..We'll continue to keep the Fite family in our to all.

    Beth (Smith), Doug, Bethany, and Brenden Weir
